Natural Gas Rates Effective with March 2024 Use

Read about 2024 rate changes

Below you will find JCE Co-op's natural gas rate schedules. 

Farm and Residential Gas Service

Available to natural gas service for residential and domestic farm uses in all areas served by the Cooperative and subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative. Rate 42 is covered by this policy.

General Gas Service

Available to all non-residential members using less than 250,000 therms per year for all purposes except resale in all areas served by the Cooperative. Rate 43 is covered by this policy.

A review of member use will occur each year. If the 12-month use of the member is greater than 250,000 therms, the member shall be transferred to the Large General Gas Service Policy. The member shall remain on the assigned policy until the following annual review. All services are subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative.

Large General Gas Service

Available to all non-residential members using more than 250,000 therms per year for all purposes except resale in all areas served by the Cooperative. Rate 44 is covered by this policy.

A review of member use will occur each year. If the 12-month use of the member is less than 250,000 therms, the member shall be transferred to the Small General Gas Service Policy. The member shall remain on the assigned policy until the following annual review. All services are subject to the established rules and regulations of the cooperative.

The Purchased Energy Cost reflected on bills issued after

feb. 14 is $0.60.

Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment

This Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment mechanism shall apply to all JCE Co-op rate schedules for natural gas service.

The Purchased Natural Gas Adjustment (PGA) is the amount on the natural gas bill that goes up or down depending on the true cost of the purchased natural gas each month. The PGA amount is expressed in a dollars per therm format. This amount appears on the bill on the same line as the use data. The PGA amount is determined by analyzing the cost of natural gas purchased directly from the pipeline, taken out of storage and related costs of purchasing and transporting the natural gas to the distribution system. A comparison between the total costs of purchased natural gas and the amount collected each month from the end users is analyzed to determine if an over or under collection has occurred. Any over or under collection amount is part of the calculation to determine the monthly PGA.

Natural Gas Energy Assistance Rider - GEA

Energy Assistance amounts will be added each month to each account.