A federal law administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation (Title 49 CFR 192.16) is important to members with buried natural gas piping. Member-owned buried piping is typically not maintained by JCE Co-op. If you have buried natural gas piping pipe, be advised of the following: 

  • Buried pipe that is not maintained, may be subject to the potential hazards of corrosion and leakage. 
  • Buried pipe should be: 
  • Periodically inspected for leaks; 
  • Periodically inspected for corrosion if the pipe is metallic; 
  • Repaired or removed from service if any unsafe condition is discovered. 
  • Before excavating near buried pipe, the piping pipe should be located and excavating done carefully by hand. Underground locating contractors may assist with locating buried pipe. 
  • A plumbing or heating contractor may be able to provide assistance with inspection and repair of buried pipe. 

In most cases, JCE Co-op maintains buried gas pipe up to the outlet of the gas meter on your property. All gas pipe beyond this point is the responsibility of the member. 

Some examples of buried gas pipe that is not maintained by JCE Co-op are 

  • Buried pipe past the outlet of a meter supplying mobile homes; 
  • Buried pipe past the outlet of a meter supplying secondary buildings, such as a detached garage and workshops; 
  • Buried pipe past the outlet of a meter supplying additional equipment, such as pool heaters, gas grills and yard lamps. 

If you have questions or need more information, call our offices at 800-858-5522.