JCE Co-op is a cooperative, owned and controlled by its members. We value integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community.

Offering our members real value - and working together to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve - is how we set ourselves apart. We have an obligation to deliver safe, affordable and reliable service to our members every day. Because we are a cooperative, we take that a step further. We believe we have a responsibility to support our members, enrich schools and enhance our communities.

This is your cooperative. It belongs to you, the members we serve. Your co-op is democratically controlled by the members. We want you to feel confident that we're working with you to make decisions that are in the best interest of you and your community.

Our Mission

A member-owned cooperative that strives to deliver utility solutions to our members and communities - safely, efficiently and responsibly.

Our Vision

JCE Co-op exists to enhance the quality of life for our members.

Our Principles

Member Satisfaction
Community Success
Empowered Employees
Financial Accountability
Environmental Stewardship
Co-op Model

JCE Co-op is dedicated to providing members with safe and reliable electric, natural gas and high-performance internet service at the lowest practical price. As a co-op, we are proud to be member-owned and controlled.

Your co-op had its start as an electric cooperative, one of many established by rural pioneers all cross the country in the 1930s and early 1940s. Organized as a nonprofit corporation in 1939, JCE Co-op's first 20 miles of electric lines were energized on May 3, 1940, bringing service to 60 members.

Headquartered in Elizabeth, Illinois, JCE Co-op is a not-for-profit distribution cooperative. We service approximately 26,500 electric and natural gas accounts in Jo Daviess, Carroll, Whiteside and Henry counties. Our dedicated staff of more than 100 employees oversees more than 2,432 miles of electric line, 1,026 miles of mainline and drop fiber and 304 miles of natural gas pipe as well as a number of programs and services. Today, cooperatives like JCE Co-op are still the primary providers of electricity in rural Illinois areas. Located in the diverse rural area of northwestern Illinois, we serve small businesses and industries, farms, residences and second homes, cabins and recreational homes. The cooperative also provides natural gas service in parts of Carroll and Whiteside counties and our high-performance internet service connects our members to the world.

Senior Staff

Mike Casper
President & CEO

Kyle Buros
Senior Vice President & Chief Operations Officer

Jennifer Meyer
Vice President of Cooperative Services 

Chuck Woods
Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Dan Marcure
Vice President and Chief Technology Officer

Amy Johnston
Executive Assistant

Terry Kurt
General Counsel