If you are planning a new service construction (there has never been any service at this location) or an upgrade of a service, you will need to complete the electric and/or natural gas new construction application. For electric service, please refer to our Electric Service Manual for electric service requirements and guidelines.
If you are a new member and do not have an account with JCE Co-op, you also need to complete the New Member Application. The completed and signed New Member Application must be received by JCE Co-op prior to the start of service. A deposit may be necessary. The $5 membership fee will be included on your first billing statement.
Read me before signing up.
Members without an email address can call our office at 800-858-5522 for additional assistance.
For all new electric service requests - at a location where there has never been a service - you will need the following information (download our helpful Electric New Service Construction Checklist).
- Account name
- Billing address
- Home phone
- Work phone
- Cell phone
- Electrician name and telephone number
- 911 address of new service including city
- Lot number if in a subdivision or legal description if not in a subdivision or on a city lot
- Subdivision name
- Service size
- Construction start date
JCE Co-op approved meter socket must be installed prior to construction of service. The meter socket must be installed and wired to the National Electric Code. Select the button for the JCE Wiring Statement/Certificate of Electric Inspection form.
Please return to JCE Co-op, ATTN: Ops Department, PO Box 390, Elizabeth, IL 61028
Line Extension Costs
$600 System Access Fee, plus:
$7/foot - 0-500'
$6/foot - 501-1000'
$5/foot - >1000'
- Line extension fees the same-overhead or underground
- If underground, the member is responsible for conduits, trenching and other installation costs
- Additional fee for winter construction
Payment Options
- Full payment prior to construction
- Visa, MasterCard, Discover, check or e-check
- Construction loan verification from lender is required when payment is made from the construction loan
- Easements may be required-whether in a subdivision or not
- Must be signed and dated by member/property owner in presence of Notary Public
- New easement will be prepared by JCE Co-op
- Must be completed and returned before construction
- The original will be sent to the respective courthouse for recording
Member Responsibilities
- Line extension payment
- Trench and/or directional bore
- Conduits. JCE Co-op may provide conduit at an additional cost
- Right-of-way clearing
- Backfilling and restoration
- Road crossings
- Installation of JCE Co-op approved meter socket.
- Legal description of property if easement is needed
- Apply for:
Residential Membership
Business Membership
(Members without email addresses please call our office at 800-858-5522 for additional assistance.)