JCE to launch classes on technology

JCE Co-op is launching a new program to help older adults in the co-op’s service area learn new skills and make new friends.

In partnership with Senior Planet, a national nonprofit which harnesses technology to change the way older American age, JCE Co-op will be offering classes and workshops about technology and other topics.

“The mission of OATS goes well beyond technology training for older adults – to harness technology to change the way we age,” said Peggy Francomb, JCE Co-op’s director of marketing and communications. “This aligns well with the co-op’s vision to enhance the quality of life for our members.”

Through partnering with Senior Plant, JCE Co-op will offer the program’s proprietary curriculum starting in January.

 JCE Co-op’s Taylor Smith, youth and member engagement coordinator, and Katie Herrig, broadband sales representative, will teach the in-person technology classes. Both were certified to teach the classes through a five-week training program provided by the OATS Senior Planet licensing program.

A schedule of upcoming courses will be available soon on the co-op’s website and will be published in co-op publications. For information, contact JCE Co-op at 800-858-5522.

Class Sign-up