If you are planning a new service construction, you will need to complete the electric and/or natural gas new construction application. Please return to JCE Co-op, ATTN: Ops Department, PO Box 390, Elizabeth, IL 61028
If you are a new member and do not have an account with JCE Co-op, you also need to complete the New Member Application. The completed and signed New Member Application must be received by JCE Co-op prior to the start of service. A deposit may be necessary. The $5 membership fee will be included on your first billing statement.
Read me before signing up.
Members without an email address can call our office at 800-858-5522 for additional assistance.
For all new natural gas service requests - at a location where there has never been a service -
you will need the following information, download our helpful Natural Gas New Service Construction Checklist.
- Account name
- Billing address
- Home phone
- Work phone
- Cell phone
- Needs contractor name and BTU Load
- 911 address of new service including city
- Lot number if in a subdivision or legal description if not in a subdivision or on a city lot
- Subdivision name
- BTU load distance of service
- Construction start date
Line Extension Costs
- $600 system access fee (includes up to 75 feet of 1/2” service line. There is a cost of additional footage past 75 feet)
Payment Options
- Full payment prior to construction
- Visa, MasterCard, Discover, check or e-check
- Construction loan verification from lender is required when payment is made from the construction loan
- Easements may be required-whether in a Subdivision or not
- Must be signed and dated by member/property owner in presence of Notary Public
- New easement will be prepared by JCE Co-op
- Must be completed and returned before construction
- The original will be sent to the respective courthouse for recording
Member responsibilities
- Line extension payment
- Trench and/or Directional Bore
- Conduits. JCE Co-op may provide conduit at an additional cost
- Right-of-way clearing
- Backfilling and restoration
- Road crossings
- Installation of JCE Co-op approved meter socket.
- Legal description of property if easement is needed
- Apply for:
Residential Membership
Business Membership
(Members without email addresses please call our office at 800-858-5522 for additional assistance.)