At JCE Co-op Electric, we strive to provide members with reliable electric service at fair and reasonable prices which meets or exceeds industry standards for availability, quality, and continuity. Below you will find JCE Co-op's Electric rate schedules.
Electric Rates Effective with March 2024 Use
Single Phase Rate
Available to all general service members for single-phase service having 75 kW or less electric demand and are subject to the established rules and regulations of the co-op. Rates 1, 2, 6, 13, 72,74 and 100 are covered by this policy.
Electric Heat Rate
Available to all general service members for single-phase service having 75 kW or less electric demand and are subject to the established rules and regulations of the cooperative. Rates 27 and 120 are covered by this policy. Download an electric heat opt-in request form. Mail completed form to JCE Co-op, P.O. Box 390, Elizabeth, IL 61028 or email to
Three-Phase Rate
Available to all general service members for three-phase service having 75 kW or less electric demand and are subject to the established rules and regulations of the co-op. Rates 5, 75 and 140 are covered by this policy.
Large General Service Rate
Available to all members where monthly maximum demand will or has exceeded 75 kW at least once annually. This schedule is subject to the established rules and regulations of the co-op. Rates 9, 10 and 61 are covered by this policy.
Peak Alert - Time of Day
Available to all members in the Dairyland Power Cooperative power supply service area having 200 kW or more of electrical demand and, on an optional basis, for members having more than 75 kW three-phase demand subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative and execution of an electric service agreement between the Cooperative and member. Rates 15 and 20 are covered by this policy.
Dual Fuel
Available for all members in the Dairyland Power Cooperative power supply service area that have permanently connected, separately metered and controlled electric service when another metered rate is also used. The service covered by this rate policy will serve only electric heating and air conditioning facilities, with no connection or facilities for connection of other electric services. Use of this service shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions in the Interruptible Service Agreement and other rules and regulations of the co-op. The installed load control device is subject to periodic inspections. Rates 3 and 7 are covered by this policy.
Separately Metered Water Heaters
This rate policy is closed to new services. Applicable to members in the Interstate Power & Light power supply service area with existing single-phase service to electric water heaters that may be controlled and subject to the established rules and regulations of the co-op. This rate is applicable for the operation of thermostatically controlled insulated storage type electric water heaters of standard make and design when used in conjunction with other regular electric service metered from the same service connection. Service shall be provided through a separate meter serving water heating facilities only, with no connection or facilities for connection of other electric services. This rate is not applicable for service for hot water space heating systems. Rate 58 is covered by this policy.
Seasonal Single-Phase Rate
Available to all members for single-phase service that is seasonal in nature that uses less than 3,500 kWh during the period April 1 through October 31. Seasonal accounts of higher use will be revised on an individual basis. Residential and commercial accounts are not eligible for this rate. Eligibility for this rate shall be determined at the time of the request. Implementation of this rate is at the sole discretion of the co-op. Rates 12 and 220 are covered by this policy.
Grain Drying Service
Available to all consumer members for a dedicated grain drying service. Rate 28 is covered by this policy.
Irrigation Rate
Available to all members for the sole purpose of pumping water for irrigation of land and are subject to the established rules and regulations of the co-op.
Area Lighting Rate
Available to all members of the co-op for outdoor area lighting within the co-op service area. This service will only be available to members who agree to enter into an agreement with the co-op whereby the member guarantees a minimum of 12 months' payment.
Street Lighting Rate
To all municipalities and political subdivisions for street lighting service with the condition that said municipalities, etc. become members of the co-op.
Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment Rider - PCA
This Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment mechanism shall apply to all JCE Co-op rate schedules for electric service.
The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) is an adjustment made on your electric bill that goes up or down depending on the cost of power each month. The PCA is expressed in a dollars per kWh format. The rate is determined by calculating the power cost per kWh on the monthly power bill received from JCE Co-op's power providers. The PCA is determined by how much the monthly power cost per kWh is above or below an anticipated power cost.
The PCA for February 2025 usage is $0.000001.
Electric Energy Assistance Rider - EEA
Energy Assistance amounts will be added each month to each account.