At its meeting on Jan. 31, 2025, the JCE Co-op Board of Directors approved changes to Policy 411, Net Metering and Avoided Cost Policy. These amendments to the policy sunset new net metering interconnections.
After March 31, 2025, net metering will apply only to members with systems connected prior to March 31, 2025, or those who have submitted applications by end of business (4 p.m.) on March 31, 2025, and completed construction with ALL Certificate of Completion documents submitted by end of business (4 p.m.) on May 30, 2025.
New service applications received prior to end of business (4 p.m.) on March 31, 2025, but have not completed construction with ALL Certificate of Completion documents submitted by end of business (4 p.m.) on May 30, 2025, will only be eligible for avoided cost rates.
Members with new service applications after March 31, 2025, will be eligible for avoided cost rates.
Avoided cost pays members the value of their kWh returned to the cooperative, when their system is producing more energy than they are using, based on the market price of energy.
Important Note: Interconnection procedures in JCE Co-op's Geneseo service territory are different from the rest of our service area and have different sizing requirements. Please contact our office at 800-858-5522 for more information or email
If you are interconnecting a PV system to your home or business and it is less than 20 kVA please refer to the Level 1 grid interconnection application criteria.
Grid Interconnection Application Criteria
Level 1- Lab-certified inverter-based interconnection equipment with an aggregate electric nameplate capacity less than or equal to 20 kVA.
Level 2- Lab-certified interconnection equipment with an aggregate electric nameplate capacity less than or equal to 2 MVA.
Level 3- Distributed generation facility does not export power. Nameplate capacity rating is less than or equal to 40 kVA if connecting to area network or less than or equal to 10 MVA if connecting to a radial distribution feeder.
Level 4 - Nameplate capacity rating is less than or equal to 10 MVA and the distributed generation facility does not qualify for a Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 review, or the distributed generation facility has been reviewed but not approved under a Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 review.
Application Fee Schedule
- Level 1 (up to 20kVA) - $250.00
- Level 2-4 (greater than 20 KVA but no more than 100 kVA) - $500.00
- Level 2-4 (greater than 100 kVA but no more than 500 kVA) - $1,000.00
- Level 2-4 (greater than 500 kVA but no more than 2 MVA) - $2,000.00
- Level 2-4 (greater than 2 MVA) - $5,000.00
For Levels 2-4, please contact our office at 800-858-5522 or email
Energy Value
Net Metering ( ≤ 20 kW), applications prior to 3/31/2025
Monthly kWh credit carried over month to month with any remaining balance reset at the end of the annual period. Any credits received by the member will be carried over to subsequent billing periods. Unused credits will expire either at the end of the annual period ending in April of each year or, at the time in which the member terminates service from the cooperative. Members remain responsible for all taxes, fees, and delivery charges that would otherwise be applicable to the gross amount of electricity supplied to the member.
Avoided Cost (≤20 kW)
In the Geneseo area where power is supplied by Prairie Power Inc. (PPI), members installing solar PV arrays can only take advantage of avoided cost. Net metering is no longer available for new systems in JCE Co-op’s Geneseo service area. This avoided cost rate in the area served by PPI is set annually in January. For 2025 it is $0.0369500/kWh returned.
In the northern areas of our service territory where power is supplied by Dairyland, new applications after March 31, 2025 can only take advantage of avoided cost. Net metering is no longer available for new systems. This avoided cost rate in the area served by Dairyland is set monthly. The rate set in March 2025 is $0.0436500.
Avoided cost appears on your bill as a credit.
See highlighted lines on the sample bill below.
If you would like to install distributed energy resources in either service area, please contact JCE Co-op at 815-858-2207, ext. 1339 or email
Avoided Cost and Power Purchase Agreements, PPA ( > 20 kW)
If the member is a net seller of electricity, the co-op shall compensate the member for any excess kilowatt-hour credits at the co-op avoided energy cost of electricity supply over the monthly period or as otherwise specified by the terms of a power-purchase agreement negotiated between the member and co-op or co-op’s electricity supplier. For purposes of calculating the member's electricity bill, any resulting credits may be used to offset other charges assessed by the electricity supplier.
Distributed Generation Resource Policies
Net Metering and Avoided Cost Policy
Distributed Generation Interconnection Procedures Policy
Small Distributed Generation Incentive
*For questions and more information about our Distributed Generation program, contact JCE Co-op at
800-858-5522 or email