Load control, MISO & Max Gen warnings
As your trusted source of power and information, Jo-Carroll Energy works hard to provide our members the most reliable and safe electricity as possible along with information about the co-op. As the summer heats up, we're seeing more headlines across the country about the increased possibility of energy shortages. Balance on the power grid rests on the ability of utilities to provide electricity exactly when we need it.
What happens if that balance is shifted?
Our power providers have employees working 24/7 with the regional system operation MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator) to ensure this balance. JCE has programs in place to support these efforts. Below is more information about JCE's load management programs, MISO and how members can possibly help prevent the potential of rolling blackouts and what to do during outages, caused by either severe storms or other events beyond our control.
What is MISO?
MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator) is a not-for-profit member-based organization responsible for operating our region's power grid that includes 15 U.S. states and the Canadian province of Manitoba. MISO is divided into 10 zones. While most of state of Illinois that falls within MISO is in zone 4, JCE's primary service area is in zone 1.
MISO is responsible for three things: managing the generation and transmission of electricity across high-voltage lines located in its region, managing the buying and selling of electricity within its region and planning for the MISO region grid of tomorrow. MISO does not own the generators, the transmission towers or the transmission lines; its members do. Our electric generation and transmission providers, Dairyland Power Cooperative and Prairie Power, Inc., are members of MISO.
Learn more about MISO at misoenergy.org